life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, August 16, 2010


~*written last night and forgotten about, published today*~

Besides being ridiculously tired, I am feeling significantly better today.

My ears is still hurting, but that's nothing new, it bothers me a lot of the time.

Liliya has managed to eat a tiny bit today. About 1/4 cup of cereal at lunchtime, and she picked the cheese off a piece of pizza.

She has been drinking normally today, which is the really important thing.

Charlize has been fine. A little crankier than usual, but her lack of appetite last night didn't lead to anything today, thank goodness.

I got the downstairs picked up and swept (it was trashed... it's been a loooong few days) and the kids rooms cleaned up and vacuumed.

I got rid of a bag full of babydolls. All of the dolls with pen on their faces, the Water Babies, and a few others that were pretty beat up.

Tomorrow I've gotta work on laundry and my room and the upstairs bathroom and hallway.

Then the house will be clean and I just have to keep up during this week.

I'm feeling really good about the way the hosue is coming along.

I've gotten rid of soooo much stuff.

Dozens of bags full over the course of a few months.

It feels good to be rid of the stuff we don't use/need anymore.

I don't know why I had such a hard time letting go of it.

But now it's gone and the house is looking better and better all the time, and it's much easier to clean up.

I also have to get the backyard and deck picked up before we leave.

But yeah, things are coming along around here and it feels good.


Liliya is drinking plenty today. She hasn't eaten yet. She slept all night last night.

Charlize and Liliya still have those wet gross sounding coughs. It must be allergies. Must be.

I feel 90% better today. My ear is still sore but other than that I'm good to go.

I can't waittttt for vacation.

I really can't.

Just a few more days, we leave Friday night.

I can't waittttttttt.


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