life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I want to write. I want to blog.

But I don't know what to say.

We just had PB&J/PB&Fluff for lunch.

I'm having a hard time getting Rayce away from the Wii.

I think I might make him earn Wii time with reading time... for every minute he reads, he earns a minute of game time.


I want to do some scrapbooking.

I have so many ideas, so many pictures to work with.

I need to get some plain colored papers. I have tons and tons of patterned paper, and no plain papers to use for backgrounds or to mat the photos.

I also need a paper cutter.

Everything else I can pretty much just use at my stepmom's house :o)  She's got *everything* that was ever made for scrapbooking.

I worked with Charlize on some letters this morning. She knows A, B, and C, and now we're working on D, E, and F. I'm using the Hooked On Phonics flash cards. I need to have her sit down and watch the letter names/sounds DVD. I'm so behind with helping the other kids. I did wonderfully with Rayce, he knew soooo much sooo early. But with all the other kids, I'm slacking. When I work with Charlize, I'm trying to include Liliya too. She's not retaining much of the information but I figure it can't hurt, and she wants to be included. I need to get Charlize writing her name. It's hard because it's kinda long and has lots of letters.

Rayce read one chapter of 'Lions at Lunchtime' this morning, he will read another chapter this afternoon and hopefully one more chapter at bedtime. The chapters are all of maybe 6-10 pages, and there is a picture every 2-3 pages, so that helps break it up.

I got the backroom organized and the changing table cleared off. Now I need to bring the ferret cage back downstairs.

I haven't done any laundry today, guess that'll be tomorrow's task.

I've got the boys this afternoon from 4-8.

I'm working on sticking to a bedtime routine with the kids.

I don't want it to be a problem when school starts, so we're working on it now.

Charlize's preschool screening is on Thursday, I'm excited and nervous.

Rayce and Charlize both have physicals scheduled for mid-September. I hate that their doctor is always so booked. But we love their doctor.

I'm behind on uploading pics, still haven't gotten to the pics from this past weekend. I'm usually on top of that.

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