life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

just stuff

My knee is really hurting tonight. Grr!!

I really need to do Liliya's third birthday photoshoot.
Sometime before she turns 4, preferably!

Seeing Drew for an hour or two a day is just not enough.
I miss him all the time.
Even when he's right next to me, I miss him like crazyyy, because I know it won't last long.

Reni called to talk to me tonight.
She told me she loved me before she hung up.
Sweet, sweet girl.
Her fifth birthday is on Friday!!
I'd really like to do a photoshoot with her sometime soon too.
I miss her like crazy too!!!!!!

We went out tonight to go shopping.
We're out of... like, practically everything.
But we stopped at the shoe store first, because the kids all needed new shoes.
And we were there for soooo long that we didn't even have time to go grocery shopping.
Now we've gotta do it tomorrow :o(
BUT I got each of the kids TWO pairs of shoes (except Rayce, who only got one pair, because he just got some really snazzy Sketchers z-strap nonsense a couple months ago, which still fit perfectly and are still really nice), and I got a pair for Reni and a pair for Holden and Dante's little sister Marley.
That's eleven pairs of shoes.
For $80.
Yeah, everything was on sale. And they were having their buy one get one 50% off sale.
It was more than worth it.

I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep yet.
I miss my sweet sugar pie <3

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