life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm sick.


I was sick for 3 weeks.

Reasonably healthy for around a week.

And now I'm sick again.

It came on quickly.

The night before last night my nose was stuffy.

Then I woke up yesterday and my nose was still stuffy, and my ears were full.

Then last night, we made a quick run to Sam's Club for diapers, wipes, and pull-ups.

We pulled into the gas station. I blew my nose.

Something happened to my ear.

I got so dizzy I almost passed out.

I was nauseous.

I couldn't drive.

Mom drove us home.

About the time we pulled up in the driveway, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I felt achey.



I changed the kids, put them in bed.

And crashed.

I was up half the night.

Laying there.

Unable to breathe out of my nose.

At all.

Ears aching.

Today, it's no better.

I was hoping.

I had plans for today.

Now my only plans involve lots of Sudafed and Afrin.

And the couch.

I don't even feel like FaceBook'in, if that gives you an idea of how I feel.

I am always on FaceBook.

I hate being sick.

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