About what's important.
The answer: time.
Time is important.
Because you can never get it back.
So it's extra important to spend your time doing things that behoove yourself and the ones you love.
I waste a ton of time.
Mostly, on Facebook.
Does it benefit myself or my family to know what 230 people are doing at any given moment?
I have to give it up.
My kids need me.
I need more time.
For them.
For myself.
I just made my profile private, pretty much everything visible to only me.
I want to keep my pictures and everything up.
But from now on, I'll just be using FB to upload pics, etc, to put on my blog, and people will still be able to contact me on there.
But no more sitting in front of it for an hour at a time from boredom, refreshing the page to see if anything is new.
I am 25 years old, I have 3/5 beautiful, monstrous children that need me, no time for myself, my house is a mess no matter how much I clean, and I have too much to do to be wasting hours a day on something that has absolutely no benefit for myself or my family.
See ya, facebook.
What ever will I do with the hours a day I was wasting?
I will play with my kids.
I will work with them on their educational endeavors.
I will spend more time organizing, keeping up on laundry, and cleaning.
I will work harder at my photography.
I will scrapbook.
I will think more about the future I have to make happen for us, once all the kids are in school and I can finally go back to school or find a real job.
I will spend more time building relationships with the ones I care about.
86,400 seconds in a day.
And I'm gonna make sure a lot more of those seconds are productive and meaningful.
What ever will I do with the hours a day I was wasting?
I will play with my kids.
I will work with them on their educational endeavors.
I will spend more time organizing, keeping up on laundry, and cleaning.
I will work harder at my photography.
I will scrapbook.
I will think more about the future I have to make happen for us, once all the kids are in school and I can finally go back to school or find a real job.
I will spend more time building relationships with the ones I care about.
86,400 seconds in a day.
And I'm gonna make sure a lot more of those seconds are productive and meaningful.
Welcome to the elite club of those who have let go of Facebook in search of "more". (((hugs))) I welcome you with open arms, my sister. :n)