I got a lot done today.
It feels great.
I put up hooks (ok, not hooks... screws) for the kids backpacks.
I think that will help a lot, it gives especially Rayce a specific place to put his backpack, and his backpack is to stay on that hook, and as soon as he's done with his homework or reading, it goes right back into his bag.
I got the downstairs clean, swept, and mopped.
I did not get the bathrooms done.
I did not get the laundry put away.
I did take a nap with Liliya.
I did get a couple loads of laundry done, and I did sort the laundry that I washed today.
I did sort through all the hats and gloves, and put everything that doesn't fit someone in a separate bag to donate, a whole grocery bag full of hats and gloves and mittens.
I did go through all the coats and pull out the lightweight coats that won't fit anyone in the spring, and I bagged up and labeled all the rest of the lightweight coats.
We didn't make it to Jason's :o(
My nap with Liliya lasted until 6pm, and when I finally woke up, I felt soooo tired.
Then it ended up being a good thing that we didn't make it, because my belly started hurting again.
But the kids were really upset and I still feel bad.
The kids just finally fell asleep, it was a late night.
I'm really hoping that the end of daylight savings time means it will be easier to get the kids up and around in the mornings.
Now, they usually wake up on their own about 730-8am.
So, by setting the clocks back, their internal clocks should wake them up about 630 or 7.
In theory, anyway.
It would make my life a lot easier if it works that way!
So, anyway.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna get all the laundry put away and finish reclaiming my bedroom.
I'm gonna scoop litterboxes and clean bathrooms.
I'm *hoping* to give Samson a bath and a haircut.
Then early to bed for us all to prepare for Monday.
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