life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I never know what to title my posts, because I never write about anything other than the day to day crap that is my life.

Charlize is not diabetic. Her sugar level was normal, 101, and the Dr said it would be in the 3 or 4 hundreds if she was diabetic.
That was a HUGE relief, I can't even begin to tell you how rough it would have been to take sugars and give insulin daily, she screamed bloody murder for the entire 3 minutes or so the nurse was getting everything set up.
The Dr said it could be that she's having some reflux and not able to verbalize what the problem is, all she knows is that she needs something to eat or drink to help the burning.
I'm not sure how I feel about that, it doesn't really *seem* probable to me at all, but we're going to give the acid reflux med a try for 2 weeks and see if it helps.
Dr said she would probably be referred to the pediatric gastroenterologist, just to be sure all our bases are covered and we're not missing something.

Rayce's parent teacher conference went well, I had a really good time chatting with Mrs Taylor.
She said what I already knew...
Rayce is ridiculously smart.
They're teaching reading at a level 6, and Rayce is at level 21 (end of second grade level).
For his reading level, though, his writing level doesn't compare, he should be writing a LOT more.
But he likes the easy road. So he gives the bare minimum to get it done and over with.
His constant chatting is a problem for him, it keeps him from getting things done.
And he's soooooo slow.
It's just his nature, I guess.
He's a dawdler. It takes him forever to get anything done.
I was almost glad to hear she was having that problem with him at school, because I sure do have it at home, too.
Makes me feel a little better that it's just his personality/way and that it's not just me/my parenting.
He got all A's and M's (above grade level and meeting grade level expectations) and 3's and 4's (they grade effort on a scale of 1-4, 4 being outstanding), *except* for the 2 he got in 'completing quality work in a timely manner'.
Go figure. LOL.
Overall, he's doing really well.
We just need to find out what will help motivate him.
I told Mom last night that he's lucky he's so smart.
If he were behind or even average and giving a half-a$$ed effort, he'd be in trouble.
Think of how far he could go, giving a great effort and being so smart!
I told Mrs Taylor that Rayce was lucky he has had such understanding teachers so far who appreciate him and accept him and love him for who he is, without getting frustrated with his quirks!

I've been off of facebook for a few days now, and it feels good. 
I still miss it.
But I have a lot more time, and without facebook, I don't feel the constant need to be on the computer.
I feel like it was a really big step in a good direction.
I didn't do it to be a jerk.
I did it because I needed to, because I couldn't seem to control the amount of time I was wasting on there, so the only way to cut myself off was to literally cut myself off and not give myself the option of sneaking the occasional peek which would inevitably turn into peeking a few times a day and just snowball from there, back to my usual sit down at the computer every moment I'm not physically doing something else that drastically needs my attention.
So I deleted it.
And I'm really, really glad, overall.

Other than that, it's business as usual around here.
The pups have made it through the night till around 530-630 for several nights in a row now, with no accidents in the kennel.
There have been a lot less accidents in the house, too.
Which is good.
I took Brody with me to drop the boys off last night, and he's decided he's just not a car dog.
He drooled like crazy and kept trying to climb behind me.
Which is strange, he was fine on the ride home last weekend.
But, note taken. No car for Brody. Or maybe very short trips to try and get him used to it.

We've got a birthday party to go to this afternoon, and I've got tons and tons of laundry to do for my overhaul cleaning plans for this weekend
which will be made more difficult by the pups
and easier by the lack of time-sucking facebook

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