We picked up Rayce's new glasses on Friday afternoon.
It's taking a little getting used to.
We had to have them re-adjusted on Saturday, they were pinching his head above his ears a little, they're much better now.
I'm very hopeful that the glasses will help with the headaches he's been getting lately. He hasn't complained of a headache since he got them!
Rayce seems to be doing well in school this year, even though getting him up and out every morning has been a chore.
I'm looking forward to open house in a couple weeks so I can talk to his teacher and find out what's really going on.
He's so non-communicative about school.
"Hey Rayce, what did you do at school today?"
"I dunno. I forgot."
Yeah. That's what I get, every single day!
Last night Jason and I went out with Amy and Tim, and had a great time.
It's nice to get out of the house for some adult fun once in a while. And I've never ever been on a double date.
We're hoping for another one soon :o)
Charlize got 3 shots on Wednesday, and her thigh swelled up on Thursday. It was a 3 inch circle, pink and warm to the touch and swollen hard. It's looking better today, thank goodness, the swelling has gone down and it's not as warm and not pink at all. It was really starting to worry me, even though I know the 'side effects' can vary and are not unusual.
I've got soooo, soooo much to do today.
I took this weekend 'off' of having the boys, to get caught up and try to relax a little with 'only' three kids underfoot.
I did get the downstairs cleaned up, swept, and mopped yesterday. But it's messy again.
Such is my life.
I've got mountains of laundry to catch up on, and all the bedrooms are a wreck. Samson needs a bath, and the hermit crab tank needs to be cleaned. All of the bedding could use a wash. The floors need vacuumed. Rayce has homework to do.
I've been feeling 'off' and down for a few weeks now.
Maybe I need some sunshine.
Definitely, I need a real break.
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