Charlize started preschool today!
She had a great time.
Didn't even blink when I left.
Of course, when I picked her up, as soon as we got to the car, she had a demonic fit of rage.
She made an apple in school, and the teacher kept everyone's apples to hang up in the window.
Charlize wanted to bring her apple home.
We sat in the car for twenty minutes while she had her fit.
There was no point in me fighting to get her buckled, because she can unbuckle herself.
So, we waited.
And after 20 minutes, she finally calmed down, got into her seat, and got buckled.
That was the end of it.
Liliya had a mini-meltdown when I left her with Mom to go pick Charlize up.
She must have been tired.
Everyone is tired.
Including myself.
We got up extra early today.
(BTW, bath time is just not gonna happen in the morning, unfortunately. Takes wayyyy too long in an already rushed time period)
The girls and I did nap for a bit.
But anyway, it was a relatively good day, Charlize is excited to go back to school tomorrow, Rayce got his homework all done tonight in a timely manner, we had a good dinner, and now everyone is in bed and asleep.
I'm not too far behind. And neither is my love bug baby cat BenBo.
I'm so glad that Charlize loves preschool so much!! Great work getting her so socialized, Mama! Even with the fit of rage, it just shows her enjoyment in school and her school work. Hopefully she won't do that after a couple of days. xoxo Enjoy it, Mom!