life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


After doing almost 3 miles on the treadmill last night for the second time ever...

I am thrilled to report that I'm not really sore today!

Last time, I was sore for 3-4 days.

Like... couldn't come up or down the stairs without groaning sore. Or get up off the couch.

Today, a teeny bit sore but nothing compared to last time!

And, not that the entire bloggie world needs to know, but working out seems to have helped a lot with my period this month, the cramps and bloating haven't been anything compared to what they usually are, and my period was much shorter and lighter than normal.



1 comment:

  1. Bonnie! I am so stinking proud of you! What an awesome job you're doing! Stick with it, and soreness will only be a very occasional thing that happens when you do something completely new or go reallyyyy hard. Good for you! And you're right, exercise helps regulate your period and keeps it under control, so that's AWESOME! Hoorayyy for health! :nD
