The colposcopy and biopsy were not anything like I expected.
It was uncomfortable for sure but it really didn't even hurt.
I had a lot of bleeding afterwards, though, to the point that the nurse threw a sheet over the front of the doctor :-/
I tend to be a bleeder, normally.
When I give blood, they have to take extra measures to get the bleeding under control afterward.
I have been cramping and feeling shakey and incredibly tired, but I feel like most of that (besides the cramping) is from the stress and lack of sleep las night.
I literally got almost *no* sleep. It was light out again before I managed to catch a few Z's.
Jason stayed all day and took care of the kids and I.
Mom even changed a couple diapers.
My stepmom is going to take the kids for the weekend.
It will be a VERY welcome break and it will give me the chance to follow doctor's orders... namely, no lifting. No lifting butts to change diapers. No lifting kids up onto the potty. No dragging unwilling bodies to the time out corner!!
It will be a VERY welcome break and it will give me the chance to follow doctor's orders... namely, no lifting. No lifting butts to change diapers. No lifting kids up onto the potty. No dragging unwilling bodies to the time out corner!!
A lot of people kept me in their thoughts today.
I am blessed :o)
I have to call back next Thursday for the results. She said from the *looks* of things, it looked like just mild-moderate cervical changes that they will have to keep an eye on and do testing on every 6 months until it either goes away or gets worse. Of course she can't be sure it's not better or worse without the pathology report.
But I'm feeling much better about the whole situation. Even if it was really bad... cervical cancer is like the easiest one to cure. They just take the female parts out, usually laproscopically even. And my baby factory is closed for good, anyway, so it's not like that would pose a problem for me.
All in all, I'm soooo glad it's over with, I'm sooo glad it went so much better than I expected, I'm sooooo glad I have the support system that I do, and I'm soooo glad that it's bedtime :o)
Phew! I'm so relieved for you! (((hugs))) Bonnie! It's over, and you're okay, and we love you. :n)