life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekend Blahhh

Charlize has been telling me her neck hurt for the past few days. I felt a few small swollen lymph nodes, nothing serious, no big deal.

This morning she woke up and told me her neck hurt again, and I could see the glands on the right side of her neck :o(

To the walk-in we went.

The Dr didn't know what it was.

Said her teeth looked fine, ears looked fine, that if it was allergies it would swell on both sides, that she didn't have any rashes or scratches near the swelling, so he basically had no idea what the issue was.

He was not happy that the swelling was on just one side, because that's not normal.

He said it could possibly be an infection of the gland itself, but she doesn't have a fever or any other symptoms.

He said even though she had the vaccination for mumps, there is a small chance it could be that.

He said that in very rare cases, random swollen lymph nodes could indicate something more serious like some kind of cancer.

Sooo I've been instructed to give her children's ibuprofen 3 times a day for the next few days, hope it goes away on it's own, follow up with her Dr next week, and hope that they don't decide to biopsy it if it doesn't go away and other symptoms don't appear.

Fun stuff.

Sooo I don't have the boys this weekend, in case whatever she may or may not have in contagious :o(

I HATE it when I miss time with my stepsons. We miss them. I try not to let it happen, I only cancel if someone is sick and contagious or if I'm so sick that I can't even take care of my own three kids, which only happens maybe a half dozen times a year. But it's still hard to miss time with them, at all.

It was terrrrible when I had strep throat, I missed them for 2 visits in a row, an entire week, it was like adding insult to injury.

But we've gotta do whatever we can to keep everyone as healthy as possible.

It's going to be a long weekend.

I've been feeling so blahhh and tired and worn down for the last few days, I'm sure this rainy weekend will be no different.

I need to get a ton of laundry put away, all of our bedding washed and bedrooms cleaned. I need to clean the ferret cage and give them baths and clip their nails. I need to work in the basement to get more stuff out of there.

I need to try to get some extra rest, if at all possible.

Bedtime is going to come early tonight. I hope I can manage to get some good sleep, it's been hard to come by lately.

Anyway, enough for now, I've got kiddos to put in bed.

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