life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, April 19, 2010

Never done.

I spent literally all day today cleaning.

First, I cleaned some of the upstairs.

I always do the downstairs first, and then the upstairs doesn't get done.

So I threw a load of laundry in first, like always.

Then I cleaned off and vacuumed the stairs.

Then the hallway.

Then the upstairs bathroom.

Then the boys room.

Then I cleaned the downstairs, and swept.

Switching laundry in between, every time the dryer was done.

I got a lot done.

Still got the girls room and my own room to clean, and mountains of laundry to put away, as always.

But I got a LOT done.

I'm tired.

But it feels good.

Since I didn't have the boys over the weekend because Charlize might have been contagious, I'm picking them up tonight and keeping them until tomorrow night.

I'm going to pack a lunch, spend the morning at the PAL center with the 4 not old enough for school, then if I'm still up for it, take them to the park.

But I probably won't be up for it, after everything I've done today and everything I'll do tonight and tomorrow morning with all the kids.

So I won't tell them we might go to the park, until I'm sure.

I'm exhausted.

Charlize's glands are still about the same. A little smaller, I think, the ones behind her ear anyway. Under her jawline they're the same.

Liliya's fingers look pretty good.

Compared to yesterday, anyway.

Did I write about that? Charlize slammed Liliya's fingers in the bedroom door. We went to the ER for x-rays and steri-strips.

The steri-strips were supposed to stay on for 2-3 days if she left them alone.

She left them alone, they came off last night anyway. I grabbed the other half of the ones she cut and brought them home, I put them on Liliya's finger after the first set fell off.

The second set fell off by this morning.


I'm keeping bandaids on it when she's tired so she remembers not to suck on them.

But the skin is staying closed, which is good.

The skin flap that tore back... it looks dead. It's white, doesn't look like it has blood flow.

I hope it doesn't fall off, cuz it will leave a terribly sore spot open.


Anyway, Mom took Rayce to the store with her... girls are passed out in the living room.

I think I might position myself in the big beanbag and close my eyes for a few minutes...

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