life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Night That Will Not End.

This is the night that will not end.

Have you ever had one??

I was soooo tired all day. I came to bed at 8 and was knocked out by 830. But I've been tossing and turning and turning and tossing ever since. I keep looking at the clock, and it's only an hour or later every time. I can't get comfortable, can't stay asleep.

I'm so tired that I can't sleep. If that makes any sense.

My eye is bothering me. I have pink eye. I had to get up to hold a warm washcloth on it to break up the ewwwey gooeys that were holding it shut. It's watering so bad that when I sat up, it felt like tears running down my face. I'm going to have to wash my pillows and pillowcases in the morning.

I can hear my mom snoring in the next room. Through the wall. That's only 1/4 as loud as she used to snore. You used to be able to feel the wall vibrate in the next room. I'm not kidding. I don't know how she slept through her own snoring.

I'm tired. Did you know that already?

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