I dislike Tuesdays just as much as I dislike Mondays.
I didn't sleep well last night. I was trying to wait up for Mom to get home. I failed. Passed out. But Mom did wake me up to say hi when she did finally get in.
I have this terrible *something* on my side. A spider bite, maybe, or a really bad pimple. It HURTS. Badly. It's annoying.
My carpal tunnel or whatever nerve issues are getting bad in my right hand. My neck hurts. Must have slept on it wrong.
Guess I feel like complaining today. It's gray and rainy and cloudy. And blah.
Rayce and I had a hard time getting up this morning. First me, then him. He didn't wanna get up. "Maaaaaaama, I'm still tiiiiiiiiired". "Yes, Rayce, so am I, but you have to get up and get dressed anyway, we're running a little late this morning". Blahhhh.
I think I might have to try and get Rayce in bed at 730 instead of 8. He's tired every morning. He's just not a morning person. But I think pushing bedtime up half an hour might be worth a shot for a few days to see if it helps.
I went and got Rayce a costume last night. It's a dinosaur/dragon, and he loves it. I bought it a size big so he could have it to play dress up with after and so it would fit for a while.
That's one thing on my Christmas list for the kids, is dress up clothes. At the PAL center, that's one of the things they play with a LOT. The dress up clothes and the kitchen stuff. I'm gonna keep my eyes open on Craigslist for costumes for the next few weeks and see if I can snatch any up cheap to hold onto till Christmas.
I found a doll at Wal Mart that I really want to get for Charlize, too. An 18 inch doll and some really cute clothes. She's so into her dolls lately. And that makes me happy, cuz I loved dolls too, and I still do, and having girls who play with dolls gives me an excuse to play with them too :-D
I'm going to buy some fleece and some velcro and make little diapers for the girls dolls for Christmas, also. Fleece is so easy to work with, it's no sew, doesn't fray, and I can just sew tiny velcro tabs on and we'll be set. The girls will love them!
I'm kind of at a loss for what to get the boys. I know I want to get them Lincoln Logs. And I want to get Rayce some science-y stuff like a magnifying glass and maybe a little child friendly microscope. I want to get Holden some non-violent action figures. He loves Power Rangers but they all carry weapons. I wonder if the toys have weapons too. Maybe I could get Holden some Toy Story action figures or something like that. Hmmm. Dante loves vehicles. All vehicles. And ride on toys. So I've gotta come up with some specific ideas for him too. And arts and crafts for all the kids :o)
Mom's surgery is tomorrow and I'm stressing but I know stressing doesn't help anything. So I'm trying to think positive thoughts.
K, enough for now... got stuffs to doooo.
ETA: I just saw something that I am totally getting for Rayce for Christmas if I can find one... a Zhu Zhu Pet hamster. He has always asked for one of those interactive pet toys and I have never gotten him one, so when I saw this... he has to have it. The 'habitats' for the things are ridiculously expensive, so I think we'll just be going with the hamster. And I KNOW he will *loooooove* it. I am so excited!
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