It was a long week without Mom here, and this week is going to be long again.
Mom flies in tonight at 1030, works tomorrow and has her cerebral aneurysm coiling done on Wednesday. Which means she'll be in the hospital until probably Saturday. *sigh*
I didn't take the boys this past weekend so I could get some things done around the house. Now I'm going to be struggling to figure out when to see them for the next couple weeks.
Mom needs to relax. She'll be out of work for a few weeks.
I got sooooo much done over the weekend. Still doesn't *look* like I got anything done. But I did. I washed all the kids bedding and pillows. I wrapped Rayce's mattress in plastic and made Rayce's and Charlize's beds. I washed about 4 loads of laundry, other than the bedding, and actually got all the kids laundry put away. I did dishes. I scrubbed the ferret cage, gave them baths and clipped their nails, and gave Samson a bath. I picked up and swept several times. I scrubbed the dining room chairs and booster seats. Last week I cleaned under all the furniture in the living room (oh what fun that was... hasn't been done in a few months!).
Today I'm working in my bedroom. My room is always last on the list. It's where all the clean laundry gets put until it makes it into the dressers and closets. I need to get all my laundry put away. I need to get all the donation stuff OUT of the house and dropped off at the Salvation Army or the PAL center or something. I just need it out so it's not taking up space and tempting me to go through it some more.
I put Mom's new sheets on her bed so she would come home to a nice fresh bed with awesome sheets and a made bed.
I need to get the kids in bed a little early so I can clean and sweep and mop the downstairs tonight after they're in bed so Mom can come home to a clean house. If I do it earlier, it'll be a mess all over again by the time she gets home. I also need to clean the ferret cage tonight so it doesn't have the chance to get too stinky again too soon. Man, those ferrets stink so bad!! I scoop the litterbox every single day and it still stinks, and Neville pretty much refuses to go in the litterbox most of the time and has even started pooping ON some of the bedding (which, I put bedding in all the corners to *keep* them from doing that... it works with the other ferts!).
I've got my girls and my nephews today. Gonna be fun trying to get this much done with 4 kids under my feet.
I just realized I can type pretty much without looking at all. I don't use the correct posture and I don't use the home keys, I don't type "correctly", but I can still do it without looking for the most part. Neat!!
Anyway, gotta get moving again before I lose my motivation. Once I sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, it's all over for me!
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