So, yes, Liliya was sick last night. She really scared me, because at first she kept gagging. She was breathing fine but she kept gagging. I was worried she had put something in her mouth and had whatever it was stuck in her throat. I contemplated taking her to the ER but figured since she was breathing fine I would give it about 15 minutes and see what happened. She puked. All over the couch. Thank GOD for leather!! She stopped gagging after she puked.
After all that, I was afraid to put her in her room for bed. I was afraid she would get sick and I wouldn't hear or something. So I brought her to bed with me. I dunno how long she was in my bed, but I didn't get any sleep during that time. I have no clock in my room. If I do have a clock, I keep looking at the time and thinking about how much sleep I won't get and it keeps me awake. The kids are my alarm clock, for now. Anyway she flailed and tossed and turned a LOT, and kept having gas. At some point I finally put her in her own crib in her own room, and she slept all night from that point on.
Yesterday was a loooong and slightly crazy day. I watched Lauren's kids so she could go to an interview first thing in the morning and we hung out all day after that. So, 9 kids under the age of 5 in one place. It wasn't actually very much crazy than it normally is. Six of the kids napped. They all ate lunch wonderfully. They played outside most of the day. We had steak and ribs and sour cream and chive mashed potatoes for dinner. It was yummmmy.
Linda picked her kids up around 5, I gave all 7 kids left a bath after dinner, took the boys home, and then Liliya got sick. It was a busy day.
Today, I'm actually feeling a little more energetic than I have in a while. I'm tired, but my body feels ok. I'm going to clean up the backyard.
Can I tell you.... we had a torrential downpour several days ago and it killed almost all of our grass?? The grass that we worked soooo hard and so long to grow?! UGH!!!! It was looking so fresh and green!!! :o(
I cannot wait to go to Schroon Lake in a few days. It is my absolute favorite place in the entire world and I get to share that with all 5 kids!! And I'm dying for the photo ops!! I heard that torrential downpour washed away part of the dock and I'm hoping they get that fixed before we go up! Also hoping to find a few more kid sized life jackets... we got 2 really fantastic ones at Sam's Club for only $8 each, but they were the only 2 left. Need to find 3 more!!
I guess I'm feeling a lot better today than I have in a few weeks. :o)
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