Our pets
Samson aka Sammy
Sammy again
Sage on top, Cinnamon


So, those are our pets. No picture of Sly... he just does not like the kids so he spends most of the day outside or in the basement. I got Samson when I was in 10th grade. He was my baby for a long time. Unfortunately we couldn't have a dog when he moved out, so he stayed here with Mom. Sam is 9 years old, but since small dogs generally live longer, he should be around for a good few more years. Just this spring, we had our big dog Spencer put down. He was 9 years old also, but his age showed. He was all white around the face, getting cataracts, had terrible arthritis, he had been growing tumors for years, and he had started having seizures that left him in confusion for several minutes afterward. He had also started getting really snippy with the kids, which wasn't his fault, but still something to worry about. So, we finally had him put down :( We miss him, but he's in a better place now and not suffering. Sage and Cinnamon are my furbabies :) I loooooove ferrets. I had 3 back in high school... Sable, Skittle, and Shadow. Sable was my first. I desperately wanted a dog but my stepmom would NOT let me have one. Finally I convinced her to let me have a ferret, and Sable was the result. She was my *baby*. We used to drive to and from NY at least once a month... she rode on my pillow on my lap for the trips. She walked on a leash, snuggled in my bed... she was my sweet baby. A couple years later I added Skittle and Shadow to the bunch. They had a 'room' in the attic, which was our hangout room... it was essentially a large closet that we put a screen door on. I gave my 3 babies to my friend Toni when I got pregnant with Rayce. I didn't feel like I would have the time to spend with them and let them out to play every day once I had baby. Toni took wonderful care of them for years until the passed away one by one. Anyway, I got Cinnamon early this year. On a whim. My mother was NOT happy with me!! But she is such a sweetie, I am so glad I picked her from the bunch in the cage at the petstore. She reminds me sooo much of Sable, both in the way she looks and her personality. She's a cuddler. A month or two ago I added Sage and Clover to the mix, as playmates for Cinnamon. I got them from a woman on Craig's List who was getting rid of them. She bought them as pets for her young elementary school aged children and got sick of being the one to clean up after them. Sage and Clover were not very socialized at all, they bit, HARD, they freaked out when I gave them a bath like they had never had a bath before, and flailed wildly when I clipped their nails. I think they were probably kept more like hamsters or guinea pigs, just left in the cage and taken out once in a while. Anyway, 3 ferrets smelled much worse than one, and Mom is very sensitive to their smell. So, Clover went to live with one of my best friends, Jessica, who had always wanted a ferret. She is spoiled *rotten* with Jessica and comes over to play regularly :) Both Sage and Clover have gotten sooo much better with some love and attention, hardly any biting anymore, although they both stil HATE to be bathed. I love my furbabies soooo much, I am in love with ferrets in general! One of my dreams is to run a ferret rescue. I would take the ferrets people are getting rid of, socialize them and make sure they were healthy and then find *good* new homes for them. I see so many postings for ferrets on Craig's List. People who didn't realize how much they smell. People who don't have the time for them anymore. People who have had the ferret for 3 years but they got a new cat who doesn't get along with the ferret (c'mon, you're gonna get rid of the pet you've had for years over the pet you just got??). People who thought they would be more like guinea pigs and just be happy in their cages all the time. These people get rid of their ferrets to the first person to show with the $100 're-homing' fee. It's so sad. Ferrets are PETS, they have feelings, they bond with their owners (if they're socialized and taken out and loved). If I ever had the means to do it, I would have a seperate building, like a small heated garage or something, and run a ferret rescue. I would *have* to have a seperate building or at least a seperate large room with it's own ventilation system, because of how sensitive Mom is to their smell. A girl can dream, right?? :) We love our pets!!!
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