Jonathan Michael, almost 3 years old!! Jonny is quite the ham when you put him in front of the camera! He cheeses it up if he even *thinks* someone is going to take a picture him :o) Having been an only child for 2 1/2 years, Jonny is used to getting his own way, which poses a problem sometimes, but he's getting better now that he's back here with Camp Isaac during the day while his Mommy and Daddy work.

Jeremiah Anthony is almost 4 months old, and he such a chunker!!! Already 15 1/2 pounds (I weighed him yesterday out of curiosity :o). He is mostly a very happy and content baby, until he gets gas!! That poor child is sooooo gassy, he farts big juicy loud man farts, I swear!! He's so smiley and sweet most of the time though, all he needs to be happy is a smiling face in front of him :o)
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