Where did it go?? The entire month of June, gone, in the blink of an eye.
The days seem to creep by so slowly sometimes, then I wake up one morning and the entire month is gone.
Maybe I should look into physics, there's got to be a way to make this weird form of time travel work to my advantage??
I haven't been updating this blog as often as I'd like, because there hasn't been much new to report!! It's been terribly rainy, too, so I haven't had lots of pictures to post.
We're still here, doing our thing. Rayce is a couch potato, some days I have to fight with him to get him to turn off the TV and go outside to play with everyone else. The kids really enjoys Noggin... a little too much!! Rayce got a tomato plant yesterday, to plant in the Topsy Turvey we bought months ago... and he thinks the plant will grow one tomato every night, because on the cartoon Oswald, that's how it works. LOL!! Holden is trying hard to learn some manners. Lately, when I have to talk to him about something, he'll say to me "You can't tell me what to do". Ummm... scuse me?? Yes I certainly can, and I will, and you will listen to me or you will be spending a lot of time in the corner and eventually in your room!!! Charlize has been growing an attitude the last week or so, too. Out of nowhere. I'm not sure what's going on... maybe she's getting sick, maybe she hasn't been getting enough sleep, maybe it's this funky weather. I'll probably never know! Dante surprises me every day with the things that come out of his mouth. For a kid who was barely talking 6 months ago, his speech is incredible. He's a little parrot, he repeats everything! Liliya is starting to talk more, trying to repeat sounds and words. She has always had so much more personality than I remember the other kids having at her age. She's so happy-go-lucky so much of the time, and she throws these incredible temper tantrums in the next moment. She is a very intense kid!!!
As for me... I saw the dentist for the first time in 8 years yesterday. The hygenist tore my mouth up with an ultrasonic water scaler. Ouch!! My mouth is still sore. But it feels great to have super clean teeth!!! Considering my lack of dental care, I'm doing wonderfully, no cavities, no problems.
Some days I have to make a conscious effort to not lose my mind. Really!! The kids are crazed sometimes, bouncing off the walls, being incredibly loud, fighting like cats and dogs. Other times, they'll all be sitting on the couch together, cuddled up with their arms around each other, so sweet and placid. Just like everything else in life, I suppose... up and down, pros and cons, black and white, and all over the place.
Camp Isaac Chaos!!!