Already this morning I've cleaned the living room, scrubbed off the kids table, tossed half their coloring books in the trash, sorted the crayons and colored pencils, and wiped down the remaining coloring book covers (dirty and sticky from being left on the table too many times).
I'm feeling pretty good.
I'm still terribly tired.
I'm really hoping the multivitamins help, otherwise I'm going to have to talk to the Dr about it, because it is interfering with my function.
I'm going to wait another week and a half to see what happens now that I'm taking the vitamins.
Monday December 13th I'll evaluate how it's going and if I'm feeling better.
I wonder if I might be anemic.
I tend to be borderline, and I was always anemic when I was pregnant.
The vitamins taste nasty even after they go down :-/
But ya do what ya gotta do.
I didn't clean up any puppy accidents yesterday!
Second accident free day.
That being said, they spent half the day in the kennel.
Not all at once, of course.
But an hour here, an hour there.
It's a good thing they like to be outside, even when it's cold.
Makes me feel better about having to kennel them when I can't keep a close eye on them.
I don't even like the idea of a kennel, so I'm really hoping they potty train completely really soon and get to the point where I can trust them loose in the house.
Melissa has been teething.
None have popped through yet, but she has been ridiculously cranky.
I'm hoping it passes soon, I don't know how much more I can take.
Anyway, must get moving again before I start snoring.
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