life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, June 25, 2010


Camp Isaac Ketchup

Ok... catch-up, if you must.

We've been busy around here.

Busy doing lots, and busy doing nothing.

Last weekend, I photographed a wedding for my stepmom's nephew.

They hired professional photographers, too, so I was kind of second shooting.

I got some great shots and a lot of just ok ones. But I took mental notes and learned a few things.

Harold <3 Rebecca.

The next day, I missed a baby shower because I was having such a bad day that I just couldn't pull myself together enough to be social.

I spent a fair portion of last weekend crying, or trying to keep myself from crying. I don't know why. I was just feeling so hormonal, so depressed, so upset in general, and little things were getting to me in big ways.

I'm grateful that it only lasted a couple of days.

During the moments when I wasn't falling apart at the seams, we were busy enjoying the weather.

We were busy swimming.

Busy riding the carousel in circles. Repeatedly.

(Ever try taking pictures while spinning?? It's a lot like the motion sickness I get if I try to read in the car, ICK!)

Busy having fun with friends.

This past week, Rayce was busy finishing up his kindergarten year.

Charlize was busy perfecting her potty training. She's been diaper-free since her birthday last week and has not had one single solitary accident.

And I was busy being one beaming proud mama.

My kids are busy growing up and I have to remind myself not to be so busy that I miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Bonnie. xoxo Thanks for sharing this stuff with us. I wish you'd have let me know you were feeling so down. I'm still here for you.
