life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, October 5, 2009

:o) A smile a mile wide

I had an awesome date yesterday.

Rob came down for the day. We met at Applebees, had lunch, ran to Sam's for diapers and wipes, came back to the house, he met the kids (which went awesome... I think my kids are trying to steal him away from me!), I grilled steaks for dinner, put the kids to bed, and we watched a movie. It was sooooo nice! I hate to get my hopes up... but I *really* like him. We've only known each other for a couple months, but I already *really* like him :o)    The kids, my mom and my sister all reallllly like him to :-D

The weather has been *perfect* the last few days. Beautiful, crisp, fall weather. I'm thinking another fall photo shoot is in order... I'm hoping that the weather is just as awesome tomorrow, when I have all 5 kiddos, so I can get some great shots of Camp Isaac. says 57 and sunny tomorrow eveningggggg!!! That excites me verrrry much, to think of the photo possibilities!!

I'm trying to figure out when we can make it to the pumpkin farm. Last year we went on a weekend and it was CRAZY. We left after a few pictures. We vowed to go on a weekday the next time around. BUT, Rayce is at school on the weekdays now. And late afternoons are just no good for us... the kids get crazy too quickly. I'm thinking... maybe we'll go on Friday or Monday over this long weekend coming up. Hmmmm.

I'm thinking about Halloween too. I really want to get Holden and Dante Batman and Robin costumes. Wouldn't that be flipping cute?!? Rayce is going to be a dragon, Charlize is going to be a monarch butterfly, and Liliya is going to be a pirate. I'd like to put them in their costumes sometime in the next week or so while it's nice out and get some pictures. Just in case Halloween isn't as nice. And you all know how crazy I am about pictures :o)

Pictures and photography in general.... always on my mind. I think every single day about how to go about making this into a side job/paying hobby kind of thing. For right now, there isn't much I can do. I'm taking all the pictures I can of my kids and friends kids, getting lots of practice. Within the next 6 months I'm going to get a couple different lenses, and next spring/summer... I think I'll be ready to take on some inexpensive family/kid photo shoots. Considering I will have to pay a babysitter to keep the kids busy while I go to do these shoots, I'm thinking I'll charge maybe $25 for an hour long shoot. Then I'll take the 20/30 or so best pics, edit them, and burn them onto a CD for the family. I KNOW I can do this. I have a good camera, a decent eye, and an amazing excitement for photography. I've gotta make it work!

If I can go back to school in the fall of 2010, I'm going to make it a point to take a photography class as an elective. Just like I knew/know all the human services classes will help me when I finally become a teacher... I KNOW that a photography class would serve me well. I need to learn more about the technical aspects of photography.

Anyway, enough for now. I've got laundry, picking  up, and sweeping to accomplish. Not to mention grocery shopping that will have to be squeezed in sometime today!

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