Along with babysitting my 2 nephews comes more work and less time and opportunity to get out of the house and get things done. It's been a challenge, to say the least, but it's nice that the kids get to spend so much time together and it's nice that I get to see my sisser almost every day, even if only for a few minutes!!
I've been trying to think of things I can do with the kids, here at home, to stimulate their little minds on a more regular basis. Needless to say, they spend wayyyy too much time in front of the tv. The weather's cooperation the last couple of weeks has helped a lot! The kids have been outside for most of the day, every single day. Jumping on the trampoline, playing on the swingset and climber, digging in the dirt, splashing in the kiddie pool... they've been having a *blast* and getting filthy by lunchtime every day. Have I mentioned that having an almost completely shaded yard is very nice, because the kids don't get sunburned and it stays much cooler out there?!?!
What about those rainy days, though?!?! I've been dreading the rain, because it means the kids will be stuck inside!!!
Tonight I was browsing the TLC/Discovery Health website and I found a website loaded with craft ideas!!!
It looks really neat, and I am excited to try some of the crafts out!
Rocking Rock Pets, Thummies thumbprint animals... they all look fairly simple and very fun!
Holden turned 3 in March, Charlize will be 3 next month, and Jonathan will be 3 the following month... it's time to get working on the preschool activities!!
I've got the most wonderful curriculum idea book, "The Complete Resource Book for preschoolers" by Pam Schiller and Kay Hastings (thank you again, soooo much, Susan, I am still pouring through this book soaking in all these wonderful ideas!!!), and I'm going to begin using these ideas with the kids!!!
It's never too early to give the kiddos a leg up and keep the gears in their little minds turning!!!
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