My sister (and then my mom) watched the girls this afternoon/evening so I could take Rayce shopping for school.
We tagged along with Jason, Hannah, and Jason's mom.
Rayce got maybe 6 long sleeve shirts, 3 t-shirts (only because they were SuperMan and Phinaeus and Ferb shirts :o), a new backpack (How to Train Your Dragon), a lunchbox for his snacks, and his actual supplies.
His supply list was slightly ridiculous. I'm not sure what the teacher is gonna do with 20 or so packages of dry erase markers, or 300 Ziplock Slider gallon size storage bags, or 500 quart size Ziplock slider bags. But every kid is supposed to bring in a pack of dry erase markers, a package of each ziplock (yes, it had the brand name requested) slider gallon and quart size bags, a large package of 5 oz paper cups (not styrofoam... which I think is kinda crazy since the kids bring their own snack and drink... what are they gonna use that many cups for?? A hundred cups in a pack times 20 kids, and they don't supply drinks?? I digress.), a box of tissues, a large tub of unscented wipes, a roll of paper towels, markers, crayons, 4 glue sticks, 2 bottles of glue, a pair of Fiskars scissors, 3 notebooks, 2 folders, a pencil box... and nothing is supposed to be labeled (except backpack, lunchbox, and pencil case) because the class shares everything. (BTW, what does he need a pencil box for if none of his supplies are 'his' and the whole class shares everything, anyway?!). I digress. I bought it all anyway. I don't know how the heck he's gonna get it all to school the first day! His backpack is full and he has a plastic grocery bag stuffed full, too, and the paper towels and wipes aren't even in there yet. I think I may just send him with the real supplies the first day, then stuff a thing or two in his bag every day until it's all sent in. I still haven't received his bus info yet, either, about bus stop and pickup/drop off times. Grr.
Charlize is on the waiting list for JC UPK. I hope she gets in within the first few months. She really is doing well learning her letters and letter sounds here at home, but it would be really great for her to get into a real school environment, for the socialization and to learn how to behave in a group.
I ordered my free photobook last night from Picaboo. I can't wait to get it. It's awesome.
Tomorrow is gonna be crazy, babysitting Jake, Jonathan, Jeremiah, Melissa, in addition to my own three. Yikes :-/
I'm tired.
I've been going to bed early, been passed out way before eleven every night for the last several nights.
So with that, I'm headed to bed.
G'night :o)