I haven't been online nearly as much lately.
Which isn't a bad thing.
But I thought I would give a little update :o)
Rayce is adoring t-ball. Ab. So. Lutely. LOVING IT!
He's in front, on the right.
Mother's Day was a good day.
I was dreading it.
I have a hard time because Anthony always made that day special for me.
But it was a good day anyway.
I had breakfast in bed.
A strawberry nutri-grain bar, served with a pink napkin, care of Rayce :o)
I went to Jason's for lunch and had a wonderful time, as always.
Mom and I had cake for dinner.
It was a good day.
I've been getting out of the house more with the kids, becoming regulars again at the PAL center.
I've been working realllllly stinking hard at getting the girls potty trained.
I'm soooo sick of scraping poop off an almost 4 year old behind. Gross.
I don't want to miss the window of opportunity with Liliya, so they're both training at once. Liliya is more than capable.
Speaking of Liliya, I decided the other day to put a relaxer in her hair.
I did one in Charlize's hair in the fall, and it worked wonderfully.
Liliya's hair is even more textured, with much tighter curls... the girl has her father's hair, period.
So I used the Just For Me kids relaxer.
She screamed the whole time.
Then when I washed it out and conditioned it, her hair was stick straight.
I cried.
So I popped her into the bathtub and washed and conditioned it again.
It came out a little wispy/curly, much better, anyway.
I cut half an inch of fuzz off the hairs in the front to give her some 'bangs', her hairline is still so far back that she looked funny, so I did what I could.
I felt a little better.
Then last night I put some little piggytails in her hair and they were flipping adorable.
I feel much better.
I have been saying for a while now that Liliya's adorable little heart shaped face just begs for pigtails, that I could tell pigtails were gonna be her style, and now she can pull them off :o)
It's taking some getting used to, for sure.
But it's cute, and she doesn't have to scream for 5-10 minutes every time I brush her hair before we leave the house.
That's why I relaxed it. To avoid the torture of brushing her hair.
She seriously screamed and cried and was hysterical every time I had to brush her hair, it was horrible and I felt terrible having to put her through that, I know it was hurting her but it had to be brushed.
Other than that, there's not much new going on.
We're just kind of puttering along, waiting anxiously for the spring-like weather to return to upstate NY, enjoying each other's company, having fun :o)