life is not measured Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, December 31, 2010

Six hoursssss

Until my date tonight!



Lose weight
I want to lose 30 pounds or more in 2011.
One step at a time, focusing on changing one thing/habit at a time, for 3 weeks.
Every 3 weeks I will add another small step.
Meal planning, try new healthy recipes.

Get serious about 'discipline'.
Think long range parenting.
Work on routines.
'Homeschool' for 3 hours a week, more if it works out.
Potty train Liliya. And hopefully Dante.

Take steps forward with my photography.
Make time for scrapbooking, because it makes me happy (aim for one afternoon a month).
Find a trustworthy and reliable babysitter. (EEEEEEKKKK)
Step outside my comfort zone, consciously, purposefully. 
Make time for the people close to me, build relationships.


In five years...

I want to be teaching preschool.
Whether it's as a lead teacher or not (depending on if I can manage to get back into/pay for school or not), I want to teach preschool.

I want to be (hopefully) married to an incredible guy, who will be an equal in the relationship and put as much effort into maintaining it as I do/will, who will be an incredible father-like role model for my kids.

I want to live in a nice house, either in a nice quiet little neighborhood or out a little ways into the country.
With a big backyard.
And a porch swing.
And, it sounds corny, but, a white picket fence.

I want to be a soccer mom, running kids to practices and recitals, soccer, softball, dance class, swim lessons.
I want to be helping with homework after school.

I want to be a decent cook, learn how to make yummy, healthy dinners.

I want to host Christmas parties and Easter egg hunts.

I want the life almost every girl dreams of having.

In ten years...

I want to be looking at colleges with the kids.

I want to be taking nice vacations every summer.

I want to have some money in the bank to fall back on.

I want to still be in love, even moreso.

I want to look at my kids and know I'm doing lots of things right, because they're growing into responsible, respectful teenagers. 

Yep, that about does it. That's what I want. 
how do I get there?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The verdict: (or lackthereof): antibiotics to treat whatever is giving her these fevers (the fever is back as of this afternoon, 99.6 at the walk-in and she was burning up by the time we got home three hours later) and making the lymph node in her groin swell. A specialist is going to be reading the x-rays to check for juvenile arthritis and for a possible deformation of the epiphyseal plate in her knee (the Dr who saw us said he wasn't sure if she had 'air in the epiphyseal plate' (?), so they sent it to the hospital). I'm not particularly concerned about that, though. It came on suddenly, seems like if it was something like that, it would have come on gradually. All I can think of is she must have twisted it or something, I have no idea what. Sooo we'll play it by ear and hopefully it gets better over the next few days. We have a follow up appointment next week with her primary doctor's assistant. I'm tired and I have a headache from spending hours under florescent lights at the Dr's office. Is it bedtime yet?!

Geting x'rays of the knee and pelvis to make sure everything is ok. Isn't as bad as this morning but she's still limping and very delicate w her right leg. Sheesh, poor girl can't catch a break.
*~Bonnie Lea~*

It never ends

Liliya woke up hysterical this morning.
About her leg.
I don't know what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks could be wrong with it.
For a while she wouldn't straighten it or bear any weight on it at all..
Now she's walking on it, but limping, and if she's standing still and bears too much weight on it, she wobbles and almost falls, and when she squats or stands up from squatting, she does it *very* gingerly and holds onto something to help and whines during the process, she looks like an old lady with bad hips and knees.
What the heck?!?!
I just don't know what's going on with this girl.
She was walking fine last night, and she hasn't fallen or anything.
There are no bruises, red spots, swelling... nothing.
Mom wondered if maybe she 'slept on it wrong', like you can get a kink in your neck.
But she slept with me last night because she said she didn't feel good, and I didn't notice her sleeping on top of her leg in any way, shape, or form. She slept normally, head on the pillow and torso and legs under the blanket.
NO idea.
We'll be hitting the walk-in after nap if it's not seeming better by then.


Anyway, my house is trashed.
Like, disgusting trashed.
I can't take it.
So I'm about to spend a couple hours sweeping and mopping and organizing and doing laundry and finding places for all these new toys.

It never ends.
Any of it.

LUCKILY my date is tomorrrrrrrowwwwwww so that excitement is keeping a smile on my face through it all.


I'm telling ya, I have an amazing feeling about this, and I'm preparing to be swept off my feet <3

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas pics and update catch-up

I've been a bad blogger lately.
Just haven't been on the computer much!!!

We've been passing around these strange little viruses.
For example, this quick little stomach bug.
Whoever has it at the moment, pukes just once, usually in the middle of the night, and then a couple days later has diarhea for one to two days.
Liliya's fevers seem to be gone, she hasn't had one in three days.
But the lump in her groin (very swollen lymph node) is still there.

We're still cleaning up from Christmas.
Every time I think it's done, they find more stuff to tear open, and it starts all over again!

I've got mountain after mountain of laundry to catch up on.
I've got big plans for this weekend, another overhaul.

And a date for New Year's Eve that I am *ridiculously* excited about.
I've got a goooooood feeling about this!

Next week when Rayce heads back to school, Liliya is going to potty train.
And we're going to officially start some more formal homeschooling.
Just sitting down for an hour or so every day to do some planned educational activities.
I'm excited.
For the learning.
And for the lack if diapers in my very near future.

Anyway, here are the very few pictures I took on Christmas.























Need to print a horizontal christmas pic?of dante. And beach pictures. And do a photoshoot w lin's kiddos.
*~Bonnie Lea~*

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Moon dough... yay or nay?

Has anyone else had/used moon dough?

The kids have been wanting it for a while, and they got some for Christmas.

I think it's really neat.
It's weird.
It's very lightweight, like foam.
It crumbles, like moon sand.
But it's not sand.
It's like the consistency of foam dust.
It sticks to itself only.

Like I said, it is crumbly.
And not as moldable as play-doh, by any means.
BUT it doesn't stick to the floor.
Or the table.
Or your clothes.
You just brush it off or sweep it up when it makes a mess.
Easy peasy!

And it never dries out.
Which is great for my kiddos, who detest cleaning up.

Out of five stars, I give Moon Dough a 4.
-1 for the crumbliness and less moldability
+4 for ease of clean up and the really weird and neat texture and level of fun

Your thoughts???

*~Bonnie Lea~*

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It's a little girl's wonderland
*~Bonnie Lea~*

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The kids were up till

The kids were up till eleven last night. Why oh why oh why were they awake at seven fifteen this morning???
*~Bonnie Lea~*

Sunday, December 26, 2010

No puppy accidents today, yayyyy!!

No puppy accidents today, yayyyy!! go brody go!!!
*~Bonnie Lea~*
Tis the day after Christmas.
Was supposed to be our third day of Christmas, up in Schenectady/Albany with Dad's side of the family.
But Liliya is still running fevers, and last night I noticed a large swollen gland on one side of her groin, which is apparently sore to the touch.
Sooooo we're home, and we'll be heading to the walk-in either this afternoon or tomorrow.

I've finally got most of the mess cleaned up.
The dining room table still needs to be cleared and wiped, but other than that, the house is pretty much back to its normal state of disarray.
We've got to find places for new toys.

The girls absolutely ADORE their new dollhouse.
(So do I!)
They We played with it for over an hour last night.
They love their new dolls.
They love their new Barbie clothes (FYI, for anyone in the market for Barbie clothes, I got these packs at Big Lots, with 4 or 5 complete outfits in each pack {including purses and shoes) for around $10, and they're nice, the quality feels no different than the brand name Barbie stuff!) and their Disney princess Barbies.

Holden and Dante love their new action figures and playsets.
They love their Iron Man toys.
They love their tiny nerf dart guns.

Rayce LOVES his DS.
And his new video game.
And his sketch book and how to draw book.
And his transforming Perry the platypus.

We had an awesome Christmas.
I really wish we had been able to go to Aunt Connie's today.

But still, it's been a great Christmas.
I'm almost glad it's over, though.
It's been a lot of work, a little stress.
And a lot of great memoriesss :o)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What was Santa thinking?

Leaving Pixie Sticks and Fun Dip in the kids' stockings?

WTH, Santa.

You really should know better.

I mopped yesterday.

The floors are *disgusting*, and so are our bare feet.


Still one of the best Christmas's ever, though :o)

The Christmas aftermath. I say we all campaign for a less-packaged Christmas next year. The amount of plastic that goes into simply packaging these toys... it's ridiculous. There is no reason for it. It costs the toy makers more, and they pass the costs on to us. And then we're left opening packages all day, wielding knives and scissors and garbage bags. And then the landfills are full of tons of unnecessary plastic. C'mon, it would benefit us all to change this!

Merry Christmas :o)

Merry Christmas from Camp Isaac.

We had an amazing Christmas.

The pile of gifts was reasonably sized, in my opinion, for five kids.

They loved every gift.

Charlize said "Santa is the best guy ever. He's my favorite man. When I get big I'm gonna kiss Santa and marry him".

I think she was more excited for Christmas than any of us.
She has even napped happily for several weeks!
Last night she ASKED to go to bed :o)

Liliya got up in the middle of the night, burning up and complaining of a bellyache.
I gave her some motrin and some zofran that was left over from last time she had a bad stomach bug.
After that, she slept through the rest of the night.
Now her fever is back and she's sporting a blotchy rash on her upper cheeks, next to her eyes. 
But she's acting fine.
So I have noooo idea what's going on, and we're left playing it by ear.

Linda and Dave came over for a little while and the kids fought over toys and played together.

I took the boys home about 11, and made it home on hope alone.
(my gas tank is EMPTY, the gas pointer hand thingie was below the red empty line)

Now we're making a big breakfast, the kids are pulling things out of packages, and I'm sitting down for perhaps the first time today.

Mom got me the star lamp I wanted, a radio/alarm clock/noise maker, the little cheapo video camera I have been wanting, and a big fluffy new body pillow. Oh yes, and a gift card to payless so I can replace my sneakers, which are falling apart, literally.

It has been a wonderful day, this Christmas is by far the best of the last several years :o)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Found this taped to my door. Best surprise ever =^-) i love my kids
*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

*~Bonnie Lea~*

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I wish they would remake this stuff!

with a black daddy and little boy.

I want them for my girls!!!

Charlize keeps asking to take

Charlize keeps asking to take a nap because i told her we were going to grampa and mima's after nap :-)
*~Bonnie Lea~*

*~Bonnie Lea~*
I painted the tips of my nails silver, i love it. Stillll haven't bitten my nails, it's been a week. Go me!
Fifteen hours.
Fourty one minutes.

Till Christmasssssssssss!!!

Liliya woke up with a fever :o(
She came downstairs and she looked really flush, so I put my hands on her neck...
she felt *really* warm, thermometer said only 99.7, though it's really hard to get a two year old to hold the thing under her tongue.
Never a good sign.
It seems like we're all passing around these little non-descript viruses.
Random vomiting.
Aches and pains.
Usually alone, just one symptom at a time.


And I hope no one else gets sick and that she comes out of it, *quick*.
I gave her a dose of children's ibuprofen and a sippy cup of watered down juice.
(the kids use real cups, but the girls will both drink a LOT more if it's in a sippy cup they can carry around)
She's not acting miserable, at least.
She actually seems fine, albeit a little extra sensitive.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
And my toes.
And I would cross my eyes but my grandma always told me to be careful or my face would freeze that way.

So, yes...
15 hours
34 minutes
9 seconds
8 seconds
7 seconds
6 seconds
5 seconds
4 seconds

 till Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rayce's card to me. He drew the star lamp i want in one of the boxes. He told me the other night he would?trade his full piggy bank to get it for me :^-)
*~Bonnie Lea~*

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This is what happens when charlize dresses herself. Liliya's newbron dress, which is now used for doll clothes... Boy undies... Pink cowboy boots
One day.
Fifteen hours.
And twelve minutes.


Can you tell I'm excited???


Ughhh, I can't wait!

I was sick to my stomach last night.
Today I still feel sick but thankfully not like I'm going to actually puke again.
And I'm still ridiculously excited.

One of my best friends came over last night to keep the kids busy upstairs so I could finish wrapping gifts.
I still have a couple more to wrap.
They're the hard ones, the oddly shaped ones with half boxes and sharp edges.
I think they do that on purpose.
I really do.
But other than those couple left to wrap, I'm done.
Before Christmas Eve!
(first time ever!)

I am just soooo excited.
I just know the kids are going to be thrilled with every single thing we got for them. 
Which makes me thrilled.
And I can't wait to see their little faces light up.

(I better find my camera charger and get it charging, huh?!?!)

I'm hoping that if I can make myself eat something, my stomach will feel better enough that I can get some stuff done.

Yesterday I did a lot.
I decided to ditch Dante's toddler bed.
Because no one ever sleeps on it.
Usually, all three boys pile up on the bottom bunk together.
I saved the mattress, I'm just gonna keep it under the bed.
But it takes up too much room to keep when no one ever uses it anyway.
I also got the tiny tv from the boys room (that hasn't worked for months) out to the curb.
And a huge bag of stuff to donate downstairs.

I have to get the downstairs cleaned, again.
And work on the never ending mountain of laundry.

Which is now bigger because Rayce slept with me for part of the night last night, and he forgot to put a pull up on, and peed all over my bed, blanket, and pillow. Yuck much?!!!

I HAVE to go out shopping tonight to finish up, stocking stuffers and finish shopping for the cousins, so I'm really hoping I feel well enough and that no one else starts getting sick (Mom does NOT deal with vomit, at all, end of story, period).

Anyway, enough for now.
I've gotta feed the kids breakfast and figure out what will soothe my stomach enough to let me get some serious stuff done around the house.

One day and fifteen hours left!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

*~Bonnie Lea~*

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Two Days

Two days.
Two hours.
And thirty four minutes.

Until Christmas!

STILL gotta finish my shopping. 

The girlies are gonna flippppp out
*~Bonnie Lea~*

*~Bonnie Lea~*
It scared me to open my eyes this morning and see something on my dresser that isn't normally there.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For me, few things are

For me, few things are as anxiety provoking as waking to the sound of a vomiting child. (liliya) *facepalm*
*~Bonnie Lea~*

cant win

no matter how much i do, no matter how hard i try, i just cant win. im always behind. there is always lotsss more that needs to be done. and i know that having a clean house is not what life is all about, by any means, and i know the kids wont look back and appreciate any of the housework either. but i would just like to be caught up :enough: that i dont feel like im drowning and i dont feel like im going to be buried if i take a day off to simply enjoy my kids. it is such a losing battle. and its frustrating. and overwhelming. grrrrrrr.

*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

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*~Bonnie Lea~*

*~Bonnie Lea~*

fun freebie

At you can make FREE photobooks.
You pay a few bucks for shipping and handling.
But the books are free, customizable, little photo books.

I'm in the process if making one right now, pics are uploading :o)

When you register, you can get up to 4 free photobooks per month.
I'm going to try to make a habit of making one for each holiday/birthday/party/get together.
Starting with the kids Christmas pictures.
Then I'll go back and do Halloween.
Then our beach vacation pictures.
Then Rayce and Charlize's party pictures...
going back and back and back.

Have fun with it!!!

(just finally finished making them, cost me $11.96 to have 4 of them sent to 4 different addresses :o)
three days
twelve hours
and 32 minutes

Christmas Countdown 2010 - Find out how many days until Christmas 2010

Christmas Countdown 2010 - Find out how many days until Christmas 2010

Is it Christmas yet?

It's Tuesday.
Still have to get through the rest of today.
And Friday.
although Friday is our 'first day of Christmas'.

Four more days!!!


I can't wait!

Still gotta do lots of wrapping.
Mom went out yesterday and found LaLaLoopsy's for the girls.
All they had was the 'twin pack', so we didn't really get to pick which ones, but they will be thrilled anyway.
She also picked up the nerf case for the DSL for Rayce.

So, the kids are DONE.

I STILL need to get out (maybe tonight? after bedtime?) and pick up a few things for the little cousins, a frame for Dad and Kim, and something for Ashley.
And print pictures.
In fact, I may order them online so I can just go pick them up later and not have to stand at the kiosk forever.
Yep, I think I will.

Today's focus is cleaning and laundry.
The house is a MESS.
During the weekend getaway, the kids watched TV in my room, because our downstairs cable wasn't working.
AKA... Rayce watched TV in my room while the girls literally flung clean laundry from floor to ceiling, left to right, and you cannot see my floor anymore.
SOOOO I've got to take care of that mess.
Yeah, that's right, I didn't take care of yesterday.
So what?!

Since getting the manicure and pedicure on Saturday, I have not bitten my nails and I have not picked at my cuticles.
Go me!!
And thank you and congrats again Amy!!!!!

In other exciting news, I have a date coming up within the next week or two.
More details on that after the fact, I don't wanna put the cart before the horse :o)

Anyway, enough for now, I must get to that small mountain of laundry, and finish sweeping, and mop, and clean the dog's kennel, etc etc etc etc etc.


Monday, December 20, 2010